Friday, February 11, 2011

khodiyar mandir bhavnagar video

Khodiyar Mandir Bhavnagar Video

Addresses of khodiyar maa temple

Memnagar Khodiyar Maa Temple:
Memnagar Khodiyar Mataji temple
Opp, Petrol Pump Memnagar Gam,
Opp, Anurag Flats,

Bhavnagar Khodiyar Mandir:
Rajpara gam,

Civil Khodiyar Mataji temple :
Civil Hospital Campus,
Civil, Asarwa.

Devgana Khodiyar Mandir
Devgana Village, Sirohi,
Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India

Distance from ahmedabad to bhavnagar is - 178 km, you can aslo go by bus, train or plane, by train you want to pick up the train from ahmedabad kalupur station, and plane from ahmedabad airport and for bus you need to go Gitamandir State transport depot. or from private luxury bus but luxury buses goes upto nari chowkdi then distance is left only 10 minutes from nari chowdi to temple, you can pick rickshaw or chakda, shuttle. because luxury goes to bhavnagar city daily service. otherwise on "Poonam" travels services direct running a luxury bus service to temple.